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The original Richard Wilhelm translation for the hexagram line...

Hexagram 45
Ts'ui - Gathering Together [Massing]

yang above: Tui / The Joyous, Lake
yin below: K'un / The Receptive, Earth


Hexagram Forty-Five/Line Five

Nine in the fifth place means:
If in gathering together one has position,
This brings no blame.
If there are some who are not yet sincerely in the work,
Sublime and enduring perseverance is needed.
Then remorse disappears.

Chinese Gathering

When people spontaneously gather around a man, it is only a good. It gives him a certain influence that can be altogether useful. But of course there is also the possibility that many may gather around him not because of a feeling of confidence but merely because of his influential position. This is certainly to be regretted. The only means of dealing with such people is to gain their confidence through steadfastness and intensified, unswerving devotion to duty. In this way secret mistrust will gradually be overcome, and there will be no occasion for regret.

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