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The original Richard Wilhelm translation for the hexagram line...

Hexagram 35
Chin - Progress

yin above: Li / The Clinging, Fire
yin below: K'un / The Receptive, Earth


Hexagram Thirty-Five/Line Five

Six in the fifth place means:
Remorse disappears.
Take not gain and loss to heart.
Undertakings bring good fortune.
Everything serves to further.

Collage - Mixed Media

Collage - Mixed Media

The situation described here is that of one who, finding himself in an influential position in a time of progress, remains gentle and reserved. He might reproach himself for lack of energy in making the most of the propitiousness of the time and obtaining all possible advantage. However, this regret passes away. He must not take either loss or gain to heart; they are minor considerations. What matters much more is the fact that in this way he has assured himself of opportunities for successful and beneficent influence.

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