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The original Richard Wilhelm translation for the hexagram line...

Hexagram 56
Lü - The Wanderer

yin above: Li / The Clinging, Fire
yin below: Kên / Keeping Still, Mountain


Hexagram Fifty-Six/Line One

Six at the beginning [yin at bottom] means:
If the wanderer busies himself with trivial things,
He draws down misfortune upon himself.


'The Wanderer' by German artist George Seir, 1934

A wanderer should not demean himself or busy himself with inferior things he meets with along the way. The humbler and more defenseless his outward position, the more should he preserve his inner dignity. For a stranger is mistaken if he hopes to find a friendly reception through lending himself to jokes and buffoonery. The result will be only contempt and insulting treatment.

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