I Ching Online.NET
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Throw the coins
6 times...
Yin Yin/Yang Yang


I Ching Online for Dummies

Very short instruction for the coin method:

You can choose between two methods for throwing coins.

Throw coins virtually or Throw coins by hand

Click the Throw coins virtually-button six times to cast three I Ching "coins" on this page with each click.

Or click the Throw coins by hand-button once and cast three identical real metal coins where you are.
Then you can use the I Ching "coins" on this page to register the result.
By clicking a coin first it changes to yin, by clicking again it changes to yang, and so on.
Heads is yang (light) and tails is yin (dark).

After choosing one method by clicking its button, the other button disappears.

I Ching Online
Click the Throw coins virtually button six times,

Step 3a

Click the Throw coins by hand button once, and manipulate the coins on the screen by clicking them.

Throw three real metal coins by hand, and fill in the result, by manipulating the coins on the screen.
Heads is yang yang (light) and tails (or "writing") is yin yin (dark).

The first time you click a coin it will show yin yin (dark / tails).
With every further click, you will toggle between yin yin (dark / tails) and yang yang (light / heads).
Every time you have thrown three real coins, fill in the result by clicking the coins in the screen until they match your cast.
You can manipulate the coins until you push the Read button, which will appear after you finished all six lines (= 18 coins).

Step 3b

Every time you build a line, either by pushing the Throw coins virtually button, or when you chose the Throw coins by hand button, and filled in three coins, one hexagram line is built at a time, from the bottom up.

With every line built the corresponding button 1 2 3 4 5 or 6 lights up.

One side of the coin represents yin yin (dark / tails), the other yang yang (light / heads).
Yin counts 2 and yang counts 3.

Throwing three coins at once makes four combinations possible:

2 yang, 1 yin (3+3+2)= 8
yangyangyin young yin pure yin
2 yin, 1 yang (2+2+3)= 7
yinyinyang young yang pure yang
3 yin (2+2+2)= 6
yinyinyin old yin changing yin
3 yang (3+3+3)= 9
yangyangyang old yang changing yang

young yin A broken line represents yin.
young yang A solid line represents yang.
If either a yin or yang line is red, that line is a changing line, which will transform into its polar opposite during the course of your consultation.
old yin A red broken line represents a yin line that transforms into a yang line.
old yang A red solid line represents a yang line that transforms into a yin line.

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