Click the
Throw coins by hand button once, and manipulate the coins on the screen by clicking them.
Throw three real metal coins by hand, and fill in the result, by manipulating the coins on the screen.
Heads is yang

(light) and tails (or "writing") is yin

The first time you click a coin it will show yin

(dark / tails).
With every further click, you will toggle between yin

(dark / tails) and yang

(light / heads).
Every time you have thrown three real coins, fill in the result by clicking the coins in the screen until they match your cast.
You can manipulate the coins until you push the
Read button, which will appear after you finished all six lines (= 18 coins).
Every time you build a line, either by pushing the
Throw coins virtually button, or when you chose the
Throw coins by hand button, and filled in three coins, one hexagram line is built at a time, from the bottom up.
With every line built the corresponding button


lights up.
One side of the coin represents yin

(dark / tails), the other yang

(light / heads).
Yin counts 2 and yang counts 3.
Throwing three coins at once makes four combinations possible: